A Family Dentist Shares How to Save a Damaged Tooth

Family Dentist Houston, TX

Do you have a damaged tooth? Read on to learn how a family dentist can help you get your smile's function and appeal back. You could be disheartened if you damage a tooth, but the good news is that a family dentist can restore the tooth.

A family dentist explains dental restorations for a damaged tooth

The dentist will usually examine the affected tooth to know its condition. Some of the solutions they might recommend are:

Dental bonding

It is possible to repair chipped, cracked, decaying, stained, malformed, and gapped teeth with composite bonding. Typically, composite bonding has a 10-year lifespan.

The family dentist will prepare the tooth by roughening it and applying a conditioning solvent. The composite resin will be applied over the teeth, molded, then smoothed out. The composite is then hardened with UV radiation. The dental professional will then sculpt and polish the tooth to match the remaining teeth once it has been cured.


Veneers are tooth-colored coverings. Dentists use porcelain veneers because the results are usually natural-looking. The veneer is a thin layer of porcelain glued to the tooth's front side to change its look. Veneers may last up to 30 years with proper maintenance, which means they will not require regular replacement.

The dentist can apply veneers on a single tooth or multiple teeth. For many people, this cosmetic procedure is an excellent choice. Veneers are not recommended for patients with teeth grinding habits due to the chances of premature deterioration.

Dental crowns

For significant damage to the tooth's structure, the dentist might recommend a dental crown. The crown acts as a cap and covers the tooth to protect it while improving its look. In addition, it protects the teeth by acting as a strong barrier. The dentist can prevent tooth loss by placing a crown because a damaged tooth will not sustain chewing pressure without a crown. To achieve a natural appearance, the dentist will use crowns made of tooth-colored porcelain. The crowns are custom-made for each patient and matched to the rest of the teeth.

Root canal treatment

The dentist can use a root canal to treat a tooth if the damage has reached the pulp. A crown can be placed following the root canal to prevent the fracture from worsening. A root canal requires extracting the nerve and cleaning out the damaged tooth tissue. A root canal may also be necessary if the patient is experiencing pain or sensitivity. If the infection is not treated it might spread, resulting in an abscess, bone loss, and other significant complications.

Final note

If the damage to the tooth extends past the gum line, it is no longer treatable, and tooth extraction will likely be required. In that case, the family dentist may recommend getting dental implants. It is advisable to visit a dental office immediately if you have a damaged or fractured tooth.

Request an appointment here: https://www.lastingimpressionsdentalgroup.com or call Lasting Impressions Dental Group at (832) 784-8212 for an appointment in our Houston office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Family Dentist in Houston, TX.

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